The Strike, like its predecessor, the Katana Assault, yields a quick response to friction and lots of continuation through the pins. The Katana Strike uses the same base cover HyperKenetic 22 (HK-22) but now in a hybrid form (HK-22h). This new cover formula HK-22h creates more mid-lane motion and hook than its counter part, the Katana Assault. The Katana Strike takes the Katana line up to an all-new level. More hook, more flip, more recovery, and more strikes. A monster flip ball with more total hook, the perfect complement to the popular and great-selling Katana Assault.
Colour - Black/Orange/Smoke
Coverstock - HK22h
Core - Katana Assault
RG - 2.50
Diff - .051
Int - .020
Finish - 500/ 1500/ 3000 Siaair